What Type of Work Environment Do You Prefer?

Is one of those questions where you need to tailor your answer to the job you are applying for. There is no point saying you want a nice quiet office environment, if you are applying for a bar job, or saying you want a hectic bar job, if you are really quite introverted and quiet. It is best to form an answer that hits a mid-ground of ranges, as this will show versatility should it be required, and that you are open to many different things. Try and tailor your answer as much as possible, but pepper it with hints that allude to your openness to other ideals.

work environment question

Example Answers for "What Type of Work Environment Do You Prefer?" interview question


“Obviously, being an accountant, I prefer a quieter office environment where I can get my head down and work without too much distraction. However I do appreciate sometimes, especially when you are working as a team for a large client, that there are occasions where there is a lot of hustle and bustle, and you have to do a lot of interacting with colleagues whilst balancing your workload. I can adapt as required.”


“Being a barman it’s obvious I LOVE the noise, music and banter of working in a busy environment. I am a bit of an energetic character so I love to get in amongst the action and keep the party going. That said, I really don’t mind when the bar is a bit quieter either, as I get a chance to talk properly with the patrons, and can attend to cleaning tasks, or maintenance duties during these more quiet times, so that I am kept occupied and the bar is kept smart and tidy.”


“As a door to door canvasser I would like to say I would prefer a hot, sunny country, but even you can’t promise me that! I really don’t mind. I am just as at home working in blocks of flats on a hot day, as I am door knocking an open fronted terrace in the pouring rain. I think it’s a job I would enjoy doing even if it meant having to swim from door to door in a flood, or skate my way there on ice!”


“Being a cinema usher, obviously I like it when during the movie its quiet, then there is lots of screaming, or laughter, or tears. Then I like it when after the movie its alive with happy customers raving about the film. Then I like the fast cleanup of the screen with my colleagues to get it ready for the next customers, where we can have a chat quickly between viewings. I love the varied pace of being an usher”


“Being a salesman, I love working in an environment where my colleagues will push and encourage each other so that we all get our targets hit!”

Photo by: Laszlyphoto

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