What is Your Greatest Strength?

“What is your greatest strength?” This question is a mainstay in the typical interview. It’s a great way of selling yourself in a subtle manner, by cramming in as many positives into one trait! Other examples you can give are: Determination, Punctuality and Loyalty. Here, I have illustrated how to word a few examples, add a personal example to them if you can.

greatest strenght question

Example Answers

“My greatest strength is…..


“If I have a large project to do I will make sure I carefully plan out how I am going to use my time so that it is not rushed, or the deadline exceeded. I like to be finished a project with time to spare to check it over”

“When I arrange a holiday I make sure to have my case packed a week in advance so that I can wind down my other commitments before leaving. I never leave it to the last minute and then have the stress of packing in a hurry”

Related: What is your weakness?


“I am very much a people person; I can diffuse difficult situations quickly because people often find me fair and reasonable. I build rapport very easily and can empathise with people. I once worked in a bar where two men began to argue over the football match that was in progress. I suggested instead of arguing about whose team was best they instead backed their teams with a friendly bet of winning team supporter buys losing team supporter a consolation drink. That way both men enjoyed the match, the man whose team won was happy as they won, and the losing team supporter was happy because he got a drink.”

“When dangerous or frightening situations arise I find it very easy to stay calm, keep a level head and ensure that the situation is dealt with correctly and safely. I once worked in a bar and somebody started a fire in the gentlemen’s toilets. When I realised there was smoke pouring from under the door I sounded the fire alarm, evacuated the bar of staff and customers. Ensured the tills and fridges were secured whilst calling the fire brigade and then ensured everyone was accounted for at the assembly point.”

Related: What Applicable Attributes Experience Do You Have?

“I am not afraid to stand up for what is right or what I believe in. If I saw something occurring that should not be occurring I would not be scared of intervening if it was necessary to do so. I once worked in a bar and witnessed a man taking a purse out of the handbag of the lady he had just made acquaintance, whilst she used the bathroom. I intercepted the gentleman as he attempted to leave, and the lady confirmed he shouldn’t have taken it. The police were then called.”

This is a quiet sell not a hard sell and the key to this is having thought carefully about your strengths beforehand. Are you adaptable? Calm under pressure? Creative? Loyal and resourceful? Jot down your thoughts and then bounce them off people and see which ones they feel are most suited to you. Then apply an example to each one to demonstrate how these strengths have been demonstrated in a previous situation. If you think about great examples to reinforce your statements, you will stay in control of what you are saying – and will sound much more compelling.

James Caan

photo by: executivesearch toronto

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