How to Answer "What is Your Weakness?" Interview Question

A question dreaded by most if not all people sitting in an interview. This is because people find it hard to criticise themselves or they do not want a future employer to think that they have loads of weaknesses.

Everyone has weaknesses it’s just what you think is a weakness and what someone else thinks is a weakness that differs.


Your interviewer will be looking for your reaction to this question so try to plan it before hand so that you don’t sit there with a very awkward silence hoping that the ground will swallow you up!

Related: What is your greatest strenght?

So what are weaknesses? What can you do less well (in your eyes)?

The best way to answer this question is to think of a time that you have not particularly done something well but you have overcome it. Make sure that you tell your interviewer how you did this and what it felt like, always ensure that you turn this into a positive experience and show how it was overcome.

For example – if you were not very good with your time keeping for deadlines you could say this but that because you realised it was a weakness you had you went on a time management course to understand the principles and learn to overcome this and now that you have you meet deadlines every time.

Make a weakness into a strength such as being frustrated when work colleagues don’t pull their weight you think it is a weakness that this frustrates you because they do not share the same enthusiasm and passion for a job that they should love.

Always turn a negative into a positive it ensures that the person interviewing you sees you in a good light.

So to when handling this question , identify a weakness that you can turn into a positive.

Have a think about your weaknesses – and don’t be afraid of them, we’ve all got them. If you’ve got a weakness, let’s call it a shortcoming if you like, and if you’re not doing anything about it then it’s a good idea to address the situation whether you’re going to an interview or not.

James Caan

Best Wishes.

Photo by: kevin day

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